Writing Circle

Neil Hilborn’s Writing Circle is a weekly writing group that focuses on the creation of new poems. Each Wednesday night for ten weeks, Neil will lead a two-hour poetry workshop in which he will give attendees prompts, associated playlists, writing time, and the opportunity to share their poems. The prompts will be good, Neil’s jokes will be bad, so come hang out with us Wednesdays on Zoom.

Workshop Dates

All sessions will take place Wednesdays from 7:00 – 9:00 pm Central Time

Season Nineteen begins on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 and (with a one-week break for Christmas) concludes on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025.

Join us!

Attendees can purchase passes for either single workshops or all ten workshops in the season ($20.00 savings!). Participants will be emailed a Zoom link and a Google Document with the week’s readings two hours before the workshop start time. If you purchase your pass after the email has gone out, we will make every effort to get you on the list, but we cannot ensure you will receive that week’s email. Purchasers of one-time passes will receive links for the next workshop chronologically. 

Sliding Scale Pricing

You can also purchase your season pass with sliding scale pricing! We want this space to be inclusive and accessible to everyone, so if $30.00 is too heavy on the wallet right now, please feel free to choose an amount that is comfortable for you. Alternatively, if you are able to support this writing circle at a higher level and feel called to do so, you can also utilize the season pass sliding scale option below.